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Do the hokey pokey!

Sometimes we all get stuck and we are unable to move forward.  We think that we need to be graceful all the time, even the first time we do things.  This type of mental paralysis is quite crippling, it prevents us from achieving all that we are meant to be.

I was meeting with a friend of mine and I brought up this topic of feeling stuck.  He said it’s like the hokey pokey.  You just need to put your left foot in and shake it all about.  You most likely will not look graceful, but you will be dancing and you will be having fun (if you let yourself have fun).  Get involved in the dance that is life.  Do the hokey pokey, and have fun while doing it!  You deserve to have fun, you deserve to move past this mental paralysis.  Have fun, that’s what it’s all about!

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Personality type percentages

Don’t think that an online assessment can say anything about you?  I’m going to shock some of you, but the Myers Briggs personality Type Indicator (MBTI) is amazing in telling you characteristics about yourself.  If you don’t believe me, take an assessment and read about your personality type.

What’s also interesting to me is what percentage of the population are “my type”.  According to WikiPedia  ( here are the percentages of the 16 Myers Briggs personality type in the US adult population.

Quick assessment:

Longer assessment:

Descriptions of the personality types:
I’m an INTP and when I read the description it’s uncanny.

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Our Deepest Fear…

I occasionally post inspirational words that I have read. Here is another one for you.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

A Return To Love
Marianne Williamson
Page 165 hardcover edition
published 1992

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How SMART are your goals?

Are you having difficulty achieving your goals? Perhaps you need to do a better job in defining your goal so that it is SMART.


specific – The more specific the goal the better. What clearly is the expected outcome?


measurable – How will you know that you’ve accomplished your goal? A good measurable goal has a number associated with it – how many, how much.


attainable – Can it be achieved? A goal should stretch you but you should be able to achieve it if you apply yourself.


relevant – Is this goal meaningful to your life?  If it is unimportant to you, then why are you even working on this goal?


time bound – Does your goal have a due date? A desired outcome without a due date is just a dream, not a goal.  Clearly define when you want to achieve your goal.

For further information about SMART goals you may want to reference the Wikipedia page on it –

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Seriously find out your personality type…

In a prior post I mentioned how enlightening it can be to know your personality type.  Here is a direct link to a 72 question assessment.  Make this investment in yourself to really see how you tick.  Once you know your personality type you can use it to determine the type of career that is best suited for your personality type.  You can Google your personality type and something else like hobbies, or activities, or find an online community of like minded individuals.  I discovered which historical figures had my personality type.  Once you know yours you could ask your friends and loved ones to take the assessment as well and understand them better.  Give it a shot you won’t be disappointed.

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Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead – a great film

If you’d like to see an inspirational film about a man who transforms his life, and films the process then I highly recommend “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead”.  It is available streaming on Netflix and you can also watch it for free at

He was severely overweight and battling a chronic auto-immune disease.  He was sick and tired of being sick and tired. He decided to do a 60 day juice fast while traveling across America, and he filmed the whole process.  He lost an amazing amount of weight and his health improved enough that he no longer needed medicine to manage his disease.  Give it a look.

For further info on the film see here –

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Where are you on your map?

Every map is useless unless you know where you are on the map. ~ David Allen

If you want true lasting change in your life you need to know where you are emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  How then do you begin the journey of self discovery?  There are many ways to start, but here are a few that I’ve found helpful.

What’s your personality type?
According to some experts in the field of psychology there are 16 personality types. It’s helpful to know what your own personality type is, and it can be really freaky to read about your own personality type. It’s almost as though someone is in your head. For descriptions of the personality types, and links to online assessments please go to:

What’s your love language?
There is a great book written by Gary Chapman where he posits that people take in and express love in one of five ways.  If you want love in the form of words of affirmation and your partner only gives you gifts you won’t feel loved.  I recommend that you know what your love language is so that you know what you need.  I further recommend that you know the love language of the important people in your life, and speak their love language to them often.  To find out your love language go to:

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4 Questions

Do you struggle being too critical and judgmental? I consider myself a “recovering know it all” who used to think he knew better for everyone.  That’s not the way that I wanted to live my life.  I don’t remember where I heard this advice but it was transformational for me.  If you want to let go of judgement and to be at peace ask yourself the following 4 questions before you speak:

  1. Is it True?
  2. Is it Kind?
  3. Is it Necessary?
  4. Is it Humble?

If you apply these questions truthfully you’ll be amazed at how quiet you’ll become.  I would often pass the True test, but I’d fail on one or more of the other questions.  It may be true that others misspell words or speak grammatically incorrectly but it’s not Necessary for me to say anything.  I’m not an English teacher correcting a term paper, nor have I been asked to provide feedback on their writing/speech so I need to keep my mouth shut.

After you’ve practiced this for a while and you’ve had some success with it I challenge you to begin applying these questions to your thoughts.  You’ll be further amazed at how unhealthy your thoughts are as well.

Good luck and I wish you well.

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Courage to change

Do you struggle with change? Welcome to the club.  The funny thing about change is that you have no choice.  It is coming — you can choose to confront it with courage or cower from it in fear.  The change will come regardless.  The choice is yours.  You have more courage than you believe you have.  Step up to the plate, embrace the change, embrace the wonderful uncertainty of change.  It is coming.  It is your destiny.  Change is the only constant.  Be one with the change.  You can do it, I know you can.