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How SMART are your goals?

Are you having difficulty achieving your goals? Perhaps you need to do a better job in defining your goal so that it is SMART.


specific – The more specific the goal the better. What clearly is the expected outcome?


measurable – How will you know that you’ve accomplished your goal? A good measurable goal has a number associated with it – how many, how much.


attainable – Can it be achieved? A goal should stretch you but you should be able to achieve it if you apply yourself.


relevant – Is this goal meaningful to your life?  If it is unimportant to you, then why are you even working on this goal?


time bound – Does your goal have a due date? A desired outcome without a due date is just a dream, not a goal.  Clearly define when you want to achieve your goal.

For further information about SMART goals you may want to reference the Wikipedia page on it –

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