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4 Questions

Do you struggle being too critical and judgmental? I consider myself a “recovering know it all” who used to think he knew better for everyone.  That’s not the way that I wanted to live my life.  I don’t remember where I heard this advice but it was transformational for me.  If you want to let go of judgement and to be at peace ask yourself the following 4 questions before you speak:

  1. Is it True?
  2. Is it Kind?
  3. Is it Necessary?
  4. Is it Humble?

If you apply these questions truthfully you’ll be amazed at how quiet you’ll become.  I would often pass the True test, but I’d fail on one or more of the other questions.  It may be true that others misspell words or speak grammatically incorrectly but it’s not Necessary for me to say anything.  I’m not an English teacher correcting a term paper, nor have I been asked to provide feedback on their writing/speech so I need to keep my mouth shut.

After you’ve practiced this for a while and you’ve had some success with it I challenge you to begin applying these questions to your thoughts.  You’ll be further amazed at how unhealthy your thoughts are as well.

Good luck and I wish you well.

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Courage to change

Do you struggle with change? Welcome to the club.  The funny thing about change is that you have no choice.  It is coming — you can choose to confront it with courage or cower from it in fear.  The change will come regardless.  The choice is yours.  You have more courage than you believe you have.  Step up to the plate, embrace the change, embrace the wonderful uncertainty of change.  It is coming.  It is your destiny.  Change is the only constant.  Be one with the change.  You can do it, I know you can.

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Reseed the lawn that is your mind

Imagine a lawn that is multi-colored – that is not how you want a lawn to be. Intermittent brown spots. The green areas are more weeds than grass. What are you to do?  In the real world the answer may be to:

  • retill the soil and reseed
  • purchase and install sod

Imagine now that your mind is a lawn: riddled with beliefs that drag you down, cognitive distortions that result in “stinking thinking”.  Well we have NOT come to a point where we have technology like in the classic Star Trek episode “Spock’s Brain”, we are not going to be able to remove our brain and replace it with a new one.  The above options of retill or resod will not work, so then what options are available to us?

The approach that I suggest is “overseeding” the lawn that is your mind with positive affirming thoughts, and to selectively “weed out” those really negative thoughts.

Shun negativity. Stop listening to talk radio as it is all confrontational in nature regardless if it is conservative or liberal. Stop hanging out with people who gossip, and if you gossip stop.  Stop watching negatively focused TV where the characters back bite and make every interaction dramatic.  If you are judgemental and critical of others, let this habit go.

Embrace  positivity.  Listen to inspirational music with positive hopeful lyrics. Listen to inspirational podcasts, CD’s or audiobooks as you travel from place to place.  Be considerate and cheerful with all people you interact with whether they are a CEO or a clerk at the supermarket.  Pay sincere compliments to those people closest to you.  Practice “reverse paranoia” where you live your life like the whole world is out to love you.

Regardless of the question the answer is love. Reseed your lawn and start today.

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Inspirational movies

We all need to fill our brains with positive hopeful messages.  Here are some of my favorite inspirational movies.  Although the list is numbered it’s not a true ranking.

  1. The Iron Giant
  2. It’s a Wonderful Life
  3. To Kill a Mockingbird
  4. Shawshank Redemption
  5. Green Mile
  6. Gandhi
  7. 12 Angry Men
  8. Mr. Roberts
  9. The Blind Side
  10. Dead Poet’s Society
  11. Mulan
  12. Rudy
  13. Stand and Deliver
  14. The Notebook
  15. A Walk to Remember
  16. Miracle
  17. The Rookie
  18. Apollo 13
  19. The Right Stuff
  20. Chariots of Fire
  21. Hoosiers
  22. Field of Dreams
  23. Bridge on the River Kwai
  24. Spartacus
  25. On Golden Pond
  26. The Magnificent Seven
  27. The Dirty Dozen
  28. The Lion King
  29. Pay It Forward
  30. Star Trek
  31. Remember the Titans
  32. Facing the Giants
  33. The African Queen

I hope you enjoy the list.

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Stress: a documentary

I watched a documentary last night on Netflix, “Stress: Portrait of a Killer”

It was very informative.  One of the interesting things discussed was the impact that social status has on stress.  High ranking baboons and British civil servants (I kid you not) have low levels of stress and stress related diseases.  Their lower ranking colleagues had much higher levels of stress and stress related diseases. 

Further into the episode they talked about control and how lower ranking people (baboons) have less control.  Here is where we are different from the baboons.  We do have control.  We can control how we respond emotionally and behaviorally to the varied events of our lives.  Take control of your responses today so that you can lower stress, and lessen the impacts of stress related diseases.

Just wondering… is anyone willing to groom me? <grin>

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Principles vs. Facts

Principles are timeless and transcend any particular implementation. We often become trapped in the HOW things are done now.  The dilemma is that facts change, and if we become too attached to them we can create our own suffering.  If we stick to principles then we have a shot at being happy.  Find the underlying principles in your life and stick to them.  Let go of the facts.