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Gratitude Part 2

We’ve just finished with Thanksgiving here in the US. Being grateful and showing a spirit of gratitude are phenomenal things. We are all blessed with things that we can easily be thankful for. Perhaps it’s our family, our overall good health, having a roof over your head, or food in the fridge.

I’m going to throw a curve ball your way. The hard task that I think I have in front of me is to be grateful for the things that I believe are negative. Why should I be grateful for having depression? What good is going to come of that? I don’t know what the outcome will be, but I do know that nothing happens in God’s world by mistake. There is a reason I have depression. I don’t know why I have depression, I just need to accept it, and be grateful that God has given it to me. When I die and meet Jesus in heaven, all will be explained to me, but I’m not there yet. I need to accept the reality of the moment and be grateful for ALL I have.

Click the link to the right if you want to read Gratitude Part 1.

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