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4 Categories of Stinking Thinking That Steal Your Peace And Serenity

What exactly is stinking thinking?  Well they are those types of thought patterns that are unhelpful.  In the circles of psychology and self-help these are sometimes called cognitive distortions.  I’ve seen some lists that contain 67 of these cognitive distortions.  That’s a large number and perhaps too large to memorize.

There is a simpler way at looking at our thoughts.  We need to categorize our stinking thinking and these garbage thoughts fall into 4 categories. Think of the acronym EGADS.

  • Ego
  • Greed
  • Aversion
  • Delusion

Four categories – that’s a small number and it is easy to memorize a list containing 4 things.


Where am I thinking of the 3 most important people? Me, myself, and I.  OK they actually are not the most important people, but rather what we think of most often.  We are all part of an inexplicably connected greater collection of human beings.  Each of us have a divine spark within us.  Focus and try to find the divine in others, and take the focus away from yourself.


Are you caught in the disease of more?  Do you wish pleasant experiences to never end?  This too is a form of greed.  Do you covet things that are not yours?  Are you never satisfied?  Be content with what you have in this very moment.  This moment of lack will not last forever.  Focus on the contentment of the present moment.


Is your first reaction “oh I really don’t like this”?  Do you get stuck in thinking things should be a certain way, different from what they are right now?  Is your deepest most primal thought “leave me the F* alone”?  Have compassion for yourself and for the others around you.  Accept the present moment and your current circumstances as the reality of the moment.  You don’t have to like where you are, but you do need to accept that what is IS.


Are you able to see things as they truly are?  Do you exaggerate the situation of the present moment?  Have you really done things a million times?  I don’t think so.  Does your nemesis always act in a certain way?  Perhaps you need to be more careful with your words and thoughts.  How about saying something like “I often fail and succumb to the desire for a doughnut”?  Even better would be “I often choose to ignore my long term health and seek the short term pleasure of eating a doughnut”.  Words have power.  You have the power of choice over how you respond to the facts of life.  Choose wisely.

IIWII – It Is What It Is

The only way you are going to find contentment, peace, and serenity in the present moment.  The place of refuge is the present moment.  Experience it fully, experience it as it truly is.  Experience it with acceptance, love, and compassion.  Experience it by looking for the divine in the people around you.

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