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Compassion as a spiritual practice

I was listening to someone speak today about how he was having an argument with his neighbor, and he recognized that his interaction with her was NOT skillful, and that there had to be a better way.  I started to think about the relationships in my life and when I’ve been jammed up and frustrated with how things are going.

I realized that I often get jammed up when I am lacking in compassion.  Why am I getting so upset when X speaks to me in a certain way?  X could be sick and suffering in some way, and if I act compassionately toward them I won’t get as upset, and chances are that the whole interaction will go better.

If I look compassionately at myself during the interaction perhaps I’m coming from a wounded place, also sick and suffering in some way.  What can I do in the moment that is compassionate to me, and not harmful to others?  If X is causing discomfort in me is there I way I can respond that is boundaried and mature?

Compassion is needed more in the world.  Be the starting point of something new and loving in your little corner of the world.

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