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Willing Suspension of Disbelief

Suspend disbelief

We all have our doubts.  There are things that we won’t or can’t believe.  I’m not asking you to throw those beliefs away as you’ve had them a long time.  But you are on a spiritual journey now and some beliefs are holding you back.  Put some of these beliefs aside, willingly suspend your disbelief, buy into the premise of spirituality so that you can begin the process of healing.

People may have turned you off to the concept of God.  Blame the cook and not the food for the dining experience.  Others may have led you astray with unloving interpretations of the Almighty.  Suspend your disbelief, even if it’s only a moment.  Believe that people you trust believe in a Higher Power.  Let that love in, and not the false messages you may have heard.

willing suspension of disbelief – a voluntary setting aside of one’s critical faculties and to believe the unbelievable; sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment


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