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Letting go of toxic words


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. – Nursery rhyme

I’ll have to disagree with this.  Words may not hurt us in the same way as sticks and stones, but they can hurt you.  Words have amazing power.  They have the power to create, or to destroy.  What words or phrases bring you down? Or cause you to doubt yourself? Or put your brain onto the mental gerbil wheel?

Become aware of your reaction and relationship to words.  Sense on a deeper level which words or phrases are toxic to you.  Choose to let go of those words whatever they are.  I’ve had to let go of the words good and bad as they brought up in me a fear of judgment and condemnation.  I take the Buddhist suggestions of skillful or unskillful as they are far more neutral to me.  They leave a space so I can be more accepting of the moment.

skillful – Those thoughts, intentions, and actions that work toward reducing suffering in self and others.

unskillful – Those thought, intentions, and actions that work toward increasing suffering in self and others.

suffering – Different from pain as pain is part of the human experience.  Suffering is the emotional and mental anguish that we put ourselves through because we are not accepting things as they are.

Change your vocabulary.  Drop the toxic words and phrases.  Use words that are inspirational and skillful.

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